CPU Overclocking Leaderboards, Results, and Discussions
Okay, so I have a form all drawn up and in place, and it automatically adds entries to the DB spreadsheet. The form itself is fairly self
explanatory; however, I would be happy to answer any questions that occur.
If I missed something that you feel should be added to the form
(hopefully nothing blatantly obvious :ph34r: ), let me know! I can edit the form and DB at any time. Also, I will be checking the DB spreadsheet to validate entries. If an entry comes through that doesn't match up to the photo, or the entry comes without a photo, it will be flagged yellow. This means not verified, and it WILL stay in the DB.
However, if you want this flag removed, pm me with your missing photo, etc. And I will update your entry and remove the flag . If you have multiple machines or CPUs to swap out with, please add them! Let's make this database huge! Lastly, I realize that my entry is not OC'd, but that was just me testing my form. I'm only on stock atm, so when I actually have the time to tinker with my PC and have money for a
the cooler, I may add another entry :P
Without further adieu, here are your two links;
Database Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtYAz9JoDICbdFM3dXBaNjZPMVgzWE1jYUlZekZYc3c#gid=0
Also, don't forget to share your thoughts/opinions!
I'm looking for:
1. CPU Load (shown through something like Aida, or just the windows performance tab on the task manager)
2. CPU-Z Open on the main tab (and a CPU-Z RAM tab for Haswell entries)
3. Some sort of temperature monitoring suite
4. A stress test software (Aida, prime, intel tuning utility, etc.) Something that records the total time-stressed(built-in for Aida or intel tuning utility), or a way to show me how long the processor was in fact stressed for.

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